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IOT – Impact of Changing Market and Competitive Dynamics


What are the implications of shifting market dynamics for your future growth strategy and competitive positioning?

We are seeing shifting dynamics coming into play in enterprise IoT including pressure on prices,  (CSPs are creating the reducing prices to gain markets share – we know that cost is less of an issue for enterprises), increased competition (competitive intensity), the need to offer more than connectivity, and meeting diverse enterprise requirements.

As markets develop over time we typically see that initially new entrants are initially drawn in by the attraction of revenues and higher profitability. The market subsequently matures, fewer firms enter and over time, suppliers either leave the market or there is consolidation into fewer larger players.

We can see these dynamics starting to play out in IoT particularly with downward connectivity price pressure and intense competition. Larger players are acquiring smaller players and players who no longer have the appetite to compete or do not have the cost structure to operate effectively may leave the market and seek to dispose of their assets to other players.

How should suppliers in the IOT ecosystem adapt their strategy?  Should you try to scale even harder and get much much larger, or specialize in one or more well chosen niche areas?  Or even Focus beyond connectivity and move up the value stack?

Read more in our latest report at Its free to download. And follow TecFutures for more content and views on successful market strategy.

TecFutures: Helping clients build competitive advantage and revenue growth with tailored advisory solutions. We design custom consulting projects that deliver strategic insight and analysis to global technology ecosystem suppliers.



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