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It’s not all about technology. Enterprises just want the best fit technology solutions


Updated: Oct 7, 2022

If we think about enterprise connectivity needs, it is about matching those needs to the most appropriate connectivity technology. Cellular has a range of technologies in play and there are also unlicensed technologies such as LoraWAN and Sigfox, and WiFi is important for campus based and manufacturing operations. Satellite is coming into play for areas that are difficult to cover for terrestrial technologies.

The IoT technology landscape is evolving and it is important for CSPs to determine how enterprises can maximize the benefits of technologies and educate them on what's happening in terms of key connectivity technologies, including newer technologies such as eSIM and 5G.

Enterprises are also looking at newer technologies in terms of best fit. For example there is interest in eSIM to take advantage of the advantages that it offers including cost saving, process flexibility

Solutions are often a blend of different technologies so the IoT CSP and enterprise need to work together using the CSP’s expertise to deliver solutions and demonstrate a clear path for technology migration.

Attitudes to technology can also have an impact. There is a large installed base of 2G and 3G IoT devices, and enterprises need support from CSPs in developing a cost-effective and seamless migration path to newer connectivity technologies. In moving forward, there is a clear preference for 4G technologies and companies planning to adopt IoT solutions are showing most interest there. There is considerable interest around 5G – probably due to noise in the market – but few organizations appear to have adopted it as yet.

Ultimately it’s a balance of best fit technology now (and for the visible future), de-risking through flexibility, and total cost.

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